Activity type
(Found 10 changes)
2024-02-08 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 47.99; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Інші види роздрібної торгівлі поза магазинами; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-09 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 93.12; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Діяльність спортивних клубів; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-09 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 93.13; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Діяльність фітнес-центрів; Primary business activity indicator: так Previous value — |
2024-01-09 deletion |
Updated value — Previous value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 81.21; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Загальне прибирання будинків; Primary business activity indicator: так |
2024-01-09 deletion |
Updated value — Previous value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 81.22; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Інша діяльність із прибирання будинків і промислових об'єктів; Primary business activity indicator: ні |
2024-01-09 deletion |
Updated value — Previous value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 81.29; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Інші види діяльності із прибирання; Primary business activity indicator: ні |
2023-09-12 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 81.21; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Загальне прибирання будинків; Primary business activity indicator: так Previous value — |
2023-09-12 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 81.22; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Інша діяльність із прибирання будинків і промислових об'єктів; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2023-09-12 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 81.29; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Інші види діяльності із прибирання; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2023-09-12 deletion |
Updated value — Previous value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 47.81; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Роздрібна торгівля з лотків і на ринках харчовими продуктами, напоями та тютюновими виробами; Primary business activity indicator: так |