Activity type
(Found 10 changes)
2024-01-18 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 20.42; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Виробництво парфумних і косметичних засобів; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-18 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 32.50; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Виробництво медичних і стоматологічних інструментів і матеріалів; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-18 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 43.11; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Знесення; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-18 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 43.22; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Монтаж водопровідних мереж, систем опалення та кондиціонування; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-18 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 43.29; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Інші будівельно-монтажні роботи; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-18 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 43.31; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Штукатурні роботи; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-18 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 43.32; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Установлення столярних виробів; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-18 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 43.33; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Покриття підлоги й облицювання стін; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-18 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 43.34; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Малярні роботи та скління; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |
2024-01-18 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Economic Activities: 43.91; Name of type of activity in the Classifier of Economic Activities: Покрівельні роботи; Primary business activity indicator: ні Previous value — |