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Full title
Current as of 11.03.2025.
Last updated on 20.02.2025
Date of registration
Authorised person
Management body of a legal entity
Діє на підставі установчих документів, затверджених засновниками (учасниками)
7 951 942,50
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 7 883 335,75 UAH  (99.14%)
Новіков Віктор Петрович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 26 423,25 UAH  (0.33%)
Галака Олександр Миколайович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 1 751,00 UAH  (0.02%)
Россолов Василь Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 1 503,00 UAH  (0.02%)
Подейко Валентина Олександрівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 1 000,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Арпентьєва Алла Леонідівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Яценко Марія Трохимівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Сапсай Ніна Борисівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Самченко Микола Кирилович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Самченко Ліна Дмитрівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Савчук Іван Олексійович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Русак Анатолій Володимирович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Прокопенко Микола Романович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Протасов Василь Васильович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Семеніченко Валентина Ігорівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Прокопенко Марія Іванівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Боярський Василь Федорович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Поліщук Олена Валентинівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Петрусь Микола Якимович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Осипенко Михайло Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Саєнко Павло Трохимович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Ситник Пилип Григорович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Семеніченко Светлана Петрівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Толочин Віктор Васильович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Щербак Олександр Володимирович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Черинський Анатолій Семенович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Харченко Валерій Михайлович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Федієнко Олексій Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Федоренко Іван Васильович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Удуляк Наталія Петрівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Толочин Михайло Васильович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Тимошенко Катерина Антонівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Євтушенко Галина Іванівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Тимошенко Анатолій Васильович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Сіренко Петро Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Сіренко Галина Опанасівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Сімороз Василь Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Стеценко Ганна Опанасівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Слухай Василь Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Слухай Анатолій Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Шома Віктор Васильович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Яценко Олена Іванівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Носенко Олена Олександрівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Ганушевич Олександра Опанасівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Носенко Олександр Дмитрович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Климашонок Антон Сергійович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Картель Микола Степанович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Етель Анатолій Миколайович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Грищенко Олександр Володимирович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Гоноровський Андрій Володимирович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Івахненко Ольга Гнатівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Галака Тарас Олександрович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Клокун Ольга Тарасівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Галака Олександр Олександрович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Вінцик Дмитро Никодимович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Верещинський Василь Миколайович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Білоцька Олександра Несторівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Буряк Тетяна Карпівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Буряк Марія Миколаївна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Ільченко Сергій Васильович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Климашонок Антоніна Мартинівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Шома Варвара Михайлівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Євтушенко Оксана Олегівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Маковська Марія Адольфівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Манюкова Олена Федорівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Лазебна Ганна Кирилівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Носенко Наталія Францівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Лазебний Василь Дмитрович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Манюков Федір Станіславович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Євтушенко Олександр Олегович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Мисник Надія Іванівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Носенко Анна Олександрівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Левченко Олена Миколаївна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Левченко Ольга Борисівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Наконечна Леся Миколаївна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 500,00 UAH  (0.01%)
Вінніченко Ніна Сергіївна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 334,00 UAH  (0%)
Степанов Петро Тимофійович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 250,50 UAH  (0%)
Роман Ігор Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 250,50 UAH  (0%)
Шевченко Валентина Григорівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 167,00 UAH  (0%)
Комарницький Віктор Сергійович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 167,00 UAH  (0%)
Монько Леонід Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 167,00 UAH  (0%)
Сахно Валерій Борисович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 167,00 UAH  (0%)
Гориславець Артем Юрійович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 167,00 UAH  (0%)
Качановський Григорій Степанович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 167,00 UAH  (0%)
Кондеревич Мирослав Зеновійович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 167,00 UAH  (0%)
Яненко Василь Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Іщенко Валентин Герасимович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Шаханова Жанна Іванівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Синдюков Володимир Іванович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Роменская Ольга Аркадієвна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Онанко Анатолій Фомич
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Обертас Євген Васильович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Левинець Василь Михайлович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Лапа Олександра Григорівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Гарасюк Ольга Анатоліївна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Брусенцева Ольга Іванівна
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 83,50 UAH  (0%)
Пономаренко Борис Анатолійович
Country of citizenship: Ukraine
The amount of the contribution to the statutory fund: 7,00 UAH  (0%)
All founders
Beneficiarys country of nationality: Україна
Type of beneficial ownership: Непрямий вирішальний вплив
Percentage of share of authorized capital in a legal entity or percentage of voting rights in a legal entity: відсоток частки - 99.13
Code KVED 22.21  Виробництво плит, листів, труб і профілів із пластмас
20.16  Виробництво пластмас у первинних формах
22.29  Виробництво інших виробів із пластмас
23.99  Виробництво неметалевих мінеральних виробів, н.в.і.у.
46.19  Діяльність посередників у торгівлі товарами широкого асортименту
46.49  Оптова торгівля іншими товарами господарського призначення
46.90  Неспеціалізована оптова торгівля
49.41  Вантажний автомобільний транспорт
49.42  Надання послуг перевезення речей (переїзду)
52.10  Складське господарство
52.24  Транспортне оброблення вантажів
52.29  Інша допоміжна діяльність у сфері транспорту
68.10  Купівля та продаж власного нерухомого майна
68.20  Надання в оренду й експлуатацію власного чи орендованого нерухомого майна
All types of activities
Change history of registration data
More details
Availability of credit history in the database of the Ukrainian bureau of credit histories
The credit history check is available after authorization.
Credit history is information about a personʼs loan obligations and discipline in fulfilling them, which is stored in credit bureaus, forms the borrowerʼs financial reputation and affects the possibility of obtaining new loans.
Sanctioned lists
Checking of sanction lists is available in the tariff STANDART.
The presence of a company/entrepreneur in the sanctions lists means that special economic and other restrictive measures are applied to it. Cooperation with a sanctioned company/entrepreneur can lead to serious financial and reputational losses.
Prohibition to participate in bidding by the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine
The company does not have a decision of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine on participation in the auction.
SME scoring based on the data from open sources
Calculation date: 27.04.2023

An assessment of the solvency of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) based solely on information obtained from open sources.

Lenders rely on this score when deciding whether to issue a new loan to legal entities, if they do not have a credit history, or in combination with the assessment, based on the data from the credit history.

The assessment based on the data from the credit history can be obtained in the “SME scoring” report, available for UBCH partners.

Bankruptcy procedure
 There is no information about bankruptcy.
Financial statements
Form of enterprise
Financial statements of small enterprise
9 243.9 thousand UAH
598.4 thousand UAH
Number of employees
Net profit
-400.1 thousand UAH
199.6 thousand UAH
Tax data
Information in the "Tax data" block regarding VAT payers, large taxpayers and tax debt is temporarily not updated due to the restriction of access to the relevant public electronic registers in connection with the introduction of martial law in Ukraine.
Register of VAT payers on date 22.03.2022
VAT payer
Date of registration
Individual tax number
Tax debt as of 28.01.2022
Register of large taxpayers
The company is on the register as of 2022 year
Salary arrears as of 24.02.2025


By Parties in the Cases
By Forms of Proceedings
Case number
Status of Review
The State Register of Movable Property Encumbrances is a unified register for recording encumbrances (pledges, restrictions, etc.) and enforcement actions on them (seizure, confiscation, forced sale, etc.).
Please note that records of encumbrances are subject to exclusion six months after registration of information on the termination of the encumbrance.
Real estate objects
The State Register of Real Rights to Immovable Property is the unified register for recording property rights to real estate and applicable encumbrances.
Please note that information on real rights that were registered before 2013, can be found in separate blocks of the report, and for registrations before 2004, the data may be absent from the register at all.
Information on enforcement proceedings
Change history of registration data