The “Vehicles” report contains a list of all vehicles registered to the individual and detailed information on each of it, including the registration number, date and details of the last registration, vehicle specification (type, make, model, color, year of manufacture, engine size, body type, purpose, fuel type, weight), as well as the VIN code.
Pay attention, that due to the peculiarities of maintaining the state register for vehicles registered before January 1st 2021, there is no information on the VIN code, and for vehicles registered before 2013, there is no information available at all.
Exchange with other systems
(Found 7 changes)
2024-12-06 addition |
Updated value Name of the government body: ДЕРЖАВНА СЛУЖБА СТАТИСТИКИ УКРАЇНИ; Code of the government body under the Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine: 37507880; Taxpayer type: ; Date of registration: 05.01.1995; Registration number: ; Date of de-registration: ; De-registration number: Previous value — |
2024-12-06 change |
Updated value Code of the government body under the Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine: 44106679; Taxpayer type: Реєстр платників податків; Date of de-registration: 05.12.2024; De-registration number: 2403180200435 Previous value Code of the government body under the Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine: 44106679; Taxpayer type: Реєстр платників податків; Date of de-registration: ; De-registration number: |
2024-12-06 change |
Updated value Code of the government body under the Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine: 44106679; Taxpayer type: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску; Date of de-registration: 05.12.2024 Previous value Code of the government body under the Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine: 44106679; Taxpayer type: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску; Date of de-registration: |
2024-11-05 addition |
Updated value Name of the government body: ГОЛОВНЕ УПРАВЛІННЯ ДПС У ВОЛИНСЬКІЙ ОБЛАСТІ, ЛУЦЬКА ДПІ (М.ЛУЦЬК); Code of the government body under the Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine: 44106679; Taxpayer type: Реєстр платників податків; Date of registration: 05.10.1995; Registration number: 26899; Date of de-registration: ; De-registration number: Previous value — |
2024-11-05 addition |
Updated value Name of the government body: ГОЛОВНЕ УПРАВЛІННЯ ДПС У ВОЛИНСЬКІЙ ОБЛАСТІ, ЛУЦЬКА ДПІ (М.ЛУЦЬК); Code of the government body under the Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine: 44106679; Taxpayer type: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску; Date of registration: 12.12.1994; Registration number: 0319041124; Date of de-registration: ; De-registration number: Previous value — |
2024-11-05 deletion |
Updated value — Previous value Name of the government body: ГОЛОВНЕ УПРАВЛIННЯ ДФС У ВОЛИНСЬКIЙ ОБЛАСТI, ЛУЦЬКЕ УПРАВЛIННЯ, ЛУЦЬКА ДПI (М.ЛУЦЬК); Code of the government body under the Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine: 39400859; Taxpayer type: Реєстр платників податків; Date of registration: 05.10.1995; Registration number: 26899; Date of de-registration: ; De-registration number: |
2024-11-05 deletion |
Updated value — Previous value Name of the government body: ГОЛОВНЕ УПРАВЛIННЯ ДФС У ВОЛИНСЬКIЙ ОБЛАСТI, ЛУЦЬКЕ УПРАВЛIННЯ, ЛУЦЬКА ДПI (М.ЛУЦЬК); Code of the government body under the Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine: 39400859; Taxpayer type: Реєстр платників єдиного внеску; Date of registration: 12.12.1994; Registration number: 0319041124; Date of de-registration: ; De-registration number: |
(Found 2 changes)
2024-11-05 change |
Updated value Name: НАКОНЕЧНИЙ БОРИС ФЕОДОСІЙОВИЧ; Country of registration: Україна Previous value Name: НАКОНЕЧНИЙ БОРИС ФЕОДОСІЙОВИЧ; Country of registration: |
2017-12-14 addition |
Updated value Code under the Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine: ; Name: НАКОНЕЧНИЙ БОРИС ФЕОДОСІЙОВИЧ, розмір внеску до статутного фонду - 0.00 грн.; Country of registration: ; Address: ; Founder’s share: Previous value — |
(Found 1 changes)
2024-11-05 addition |
Updated value Full name: НАКОНЕЧНИЙ БОРИС ФЕОДОСІЙОВИЧ; Role: голова комісії з припинення або ліквідатор; Additional information: Previous value — |